Rosy barb, beautiful, lively and friendly
The Pethia conchonius or Rosy barb is one of the classic fish in the hobby. It was discovered by Hamilton in 1822 and has been a regular in aquariums since 1903.
The large number of barbel species (Cyprinids, Ciprinidae family) and their wide distribution has led to constant revisions, which is why the genera have gradually been divided.
In the case at hand, it has previously passed through the great genus barbus, Puntius and Systomus.
It is not usually a species valued by the novice fan since the specimens present in shops usually have an inconspicuous coloration. After its maturation and settling in the definitive aquarium is when it will show us the best colors.
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India (Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers, among others), Myanmar (former Burma) and Nepal, in lakes and rivers that cross forested areas -including in high mountain areas-), lagoons, ponds, pools and ditches freshwater, where it prefers areas of fast-flowing waters.
Introductions of these fish are also known in waters of the United States, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Colombia, Australia, Singapore and the Philippines.
Oval-shaped body, typical of the genus; with the widest central part and the front and rear parts more stylized. Mouth without barbels.There is a breeding variety with more developed fins, known as “velifera” or “veil”.
The base color of its body is silver, with metallic pink, orange or red iridescence on the underside and a characteristic dark spot located, centered, on the rear of its body, above the end of the anal fin and just before the tail. of the caudal pendulum.
The male has the apex of the dorsal and anal fins black. There is a variety called “Orange” with a more uniform orange color over the entire body.
About 5.51-5.90 inch in freedom. In captivity, however, it is usually smaller.
Sexual dimorphism
As noted above, the male has black tips (small spots) on its dorsal and anal fins. In addition, they are smaller and slimmer than females. The female, on the other hand, has a rounded belly and her color is duller. This coloration intensifies during the breeding season.
Life expectancy
Their average life expectancy is about 3 years.
Water parameters
PH: 6.5-7.5
GH: 5-15
Temperature: 64.4-80.6ºF
Semi-soft to hard and neutral water.
It requires spacious aquariums, both for its size and for being an active swimmer. A rectangular aquarium and as wide as possible is recommended. Abundant vegetation is recommended, especially peripheral, with decoration based on roots and trunks, and a good frontal space to swim freely. If there is a choice, they should be provided with plenty of passageways and tunnels that they will like to travel through. They also like to dig at the bottom in search of food, so care should be taken that the gravel or substrate used is not sharp.
In nature they consume small crustaceans, worms, larvae, insects and also various vegetables. In captivity they accept all kinds of food. They should regularly be offered live or frozen food, and also a supplement of fresh vegetables (spinach, chard, lettuce and algae). It has an excellent appetite and gobbles up tender aquatic plants, which can be avoided by frequently feeding it with vegetables.
It is a peaceful fish, but at the same time active and agile swimmer, like all of the genus. School fish that must be kept in a group of at least 6 individuals. In fact, all their activities focus on the general behavior of the group.
They usually rest in the same place, and swim frequently in the middle/lower part of the aquarium, and throughout it, although they can go through the entire aquarium in search of food. Being so boisterous and fast when it comes to swimming, they will not adapt well with timid, fragile or very calm fish. That is why it is recommended to keep them with other fish with similar characteristics, also lively and fast swimming. Amoxicillin for fish ampicillin for fish.
Is not difficult.
They are sexually mature from 2.36 inches (approximately one year old), and the breeding pair forms naturally from a group.
It is the female that initiates the courtship and acquires a pink color when mating. The parents rub together vigorously as the eggs are expelled and fertilized.
The spawning takes place between plants with abundant leaves to which the eggs, which are slightly sticky, adhere and soon begin to dilate considerably.
Rosy barbs are prolific fish. As they breed easily and lay their eggs among the plants, it will be necessary to remove these so that they are not ingested by their parents or by the other fish that live with them in the aquarium. The parents could eat not only the eggs, but also the young – if they are born, which usually happens after 36 hours. The young grow very quickly and must be fed abundantly.