Introduction: Betta splendens, also known as the Siamese fighting fish,…
Bringing a New Fish Home
When it comes to keeping an aquarium, one of the…
The Blue Spotted Jaw Fish
The Blue Spotted Jaw Fish, also known as Opistognathus rosenblatti,…
The Dartfish: the brave goby
The Dartfish, also known as Nemateleotris exquisita, is a species…
Comnon Saltwater Fish Diseases
Saltwater fish are popular additions to home aquariums, but they…
The Importance of Siphoning Your Aquarium
Keeping an aquarium can be a fun and rewarding hobby,…
The Importance of Proper Coral Care
When it comes to setting up a saltwater aquarium, one…
Pearl Gourami: in the asian rice fields
Pearl gouramis are a popular species of aquarium fish due…
Caring for a healthy marine aquarium
Marine aquariums are a fascinating way to bring the beauty…
The Elephantnose Fish: The Stranger Thing
Description The elephantnose fish one of the best known representatives…